aconno Adafruit ALPS Amphenol Advanced Sensors Amphenol SGX Sensortech ams ams / CMOSIS Analog Devices Arduino Azoteq Bosch Connected Devices Bosch Sensortec CCS Coral Crowd Supply Cypress Semiconductor DFRobot Dialog Semiconductor Digilent First Sensor GHI Electronics Gumstix Honeywell IDT Infineon Technologies Maxim Integrated Measurement Specialties Melexis Microchip Technology / Atmel Mikroe Mpression Murata Electronics NXP / Freescale NXP Semiconductors Olimex Ltd. Omron Electronics ON Semiconductor ON Semiconductor / Fairchild OSEPP Electronics Parallax Pimoroni Plessey Semiconductors Powercast Pycom ROBOTIS ROHM Semiconductor Seeed Studio SensiEDGE Sensirion Silicon Labs SparkFun SST Sensing STMicroelectronics TDK InvenSense Texas Instruments Tinkerforge TinyCircuits UDOO Vishay / Siliconix Vishay Semiconductors XinaBox Xsens
Accessories Adapter Boards Add-On Boards Add-On Modules Application Boards Breakout Board Breakout Boards Controllers Daughter Boards Daughter Cards Demonstration Boards Demonstration Kits Development Boards Development Kits Development Modules Development Platforms Development Tools Evaluation Boards Evaluation Kit Evaluation Kits Evaluation Modules Evaluation Platforms Evaluation Systems Evaluation Tools Expansion Boards Open Source Boards Plug-In Modules Reference Boards Reference Design Boards Sensor Kits Shields Soil Sensor Mini Kits Starter Kits Test Boards
- 3D Sensor 4-H Grow Your Own Clover AC/DC Converter Accelerometer, Acoustic, Digital Light, Gyroscope, Magnetometer, Accelerometer, ALS/PS, Color, Hall, Magnetometer, Pressure, Temp Accelerometer, Ambient Light, Hall, Magnetometer, Temperature, U Accelerometer, Barometer, Gyroscope Sensor Accelerometer, Compass, Gyroscope Accelerometer, Environmental, Acoustic MEMS Sensor Accelerometer, Gyroscope Accelerometer, Gyroscope Sensor Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Humidity, Magnetometer, Pressure Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Magnetometer, Motion, Pressure Sensor Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Magnometer, Optical, Pressure, Proximi Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Pressure Sensor Accelerometer, Humidity, Microphone, Pressure Sensor Accelerometer, Light, Motion, Temperature Sensor Accelerometer, Light, Temperature Sensor Accelerometer, Magnetic Sensor Air Quality Sensor Air Quality, Humidity, Temperature Sensor Air Quality, Temperature, Pressure, Humidity Sensor Air, Humidity, Pressure, Temperature Sensor Air, Light, Temperature, Humidity, Thermal Image Sensors Alcohol Sensor Altitude, Barometer, Temperature Sensor Altitude, Pressure, Temperature Sensor Ambient Light Sensor, IMU, Environmental Sensor Ambient Light, Air Quality, Humidity, Pressure, Temperature Sens Ambient Light, Compass, IMU, Magnetometer, Pressure, Temperature Ambient Light, Contactless Temperature, Inductive, Humidity Sens Ambient Light, Hall Effect, Humidity, Temperature Sensor Ambient Light, Humidity, Proximity, Temperature, UV Sensor Ambient Light, Proximity Sensor Ambient, Barometric, Humidity, Temperature Sensor Analog Electrical Conductivity Sensor Analog pH Sensor Analog Sound Level Meter Analog Ultrasonic Sensor Barometric Pressure Sensor Barometric Pressure, Humidity, Temperature Sensor Barometric, Humidity, IR Motion, Temperature Sensor Biomedical Biomedical Sensor Biometric Sensor Biopotential AFE Capacitance, Hall-Effect, Inductive Sensor Capacitance, Passive Infrared Radial, Inductance Sensor Capacitive and Hall Effect Sensor Capacitive Fingerprint Scanner Capacitive Moisture Sensor Capacitive Touch Sensor Capacitive, Inductive, Hall Effect Sensor Carbon Dioxide Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor Circuit Evaluation Board Climate Kit CO2 Sensor CO2, Humidity, Temperature Sensor Collision Sensor Color & Light, Humidity, Pressure, Temperature Sensor Color Sensor Colour, Light Level, Pressure, Temperature Sensor Conductivity Switch Sensor Digital Air Speed Sensor Digital Biosensor Digital Flex Sensor Digital Flow Meter Digital Gas Sensor Digital Shake Sensor Digital Tilt Sensor Dust Sensor Electrochemical Gas Sensor Environment Sensor Environment Sensor Shield Environmental Sensor eTape Liquid Level Sensor Flame Sensor Flex Sensor Flow Sensor Galvanic Probe Gas Sensor Gas Sensor (MQ2) Gas Sensor (MQ3) Gas Sensor (MQ5) Gas Sensor (MQ9) Gas Sensor (O2) Gas, Humidity, Pressure, Temperature Sensor Gas, Humidity, Temperature Sensor gato:soil gator:environment gator:particle Hall Effect Sensor HCHO Sensor Health Sensor Heart Rate Monitor Heart Rate, Oximeter, Smoke Sensor Heart-Rate Sensor Heelight Sensor Humidity, Light, Pressure, Temperature Sensor Humidity, Pressure Sensor Humidity, Pressure, Temperature Sensors Humidity, Temperature Sensor Humidity/Temperature, Particle, Pressure Sensor IMU - Inertial Measurement Unit Inclinometer Inductive Sensor IoT Add-On Board IoT Development Kit IR, Motion, Temperature Sensor Light, Proximity Sensor Lighting Sensor Liquid Flow Meter Kit Liquid Sensor Magnetic, Motion Sensor MEMS Sensor Micro-Spectrometer MicroWave Microwave Motion Sensor Moisture Sensor Moisture, Temperature Sensor Motion MEMS, Environmental Sensor Motion Sensor Motion, Audio, Environmental Sensor MQ-135 Air Quality MQ-3 Alcohol MQ-4 Methane MQ-5 Liquefied Petroleum MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide MQ-8 Hydrogen Multiple Function Sensor Multiple Sensor Multiple Sensors Muscle Sensor Optical AFE Optical Flow Sensor Optical Flow, ToF Sensor Optical Oxygen Sensor Optical Sensor Oxygen Particulate Matter Sensor Passive Sensor pH Sensor pH, Soil Moisture, Temperature Sensor Piezo Vibration Sensor Pressure Sensor Pressure, Humidity, Temperature, CO2 Sensor Proximity Sensor Proximity, Temperature Sensor Radiation Sensor RFID Transponder Rotation Sensor SensiBLE 2.0 Sensor Interface Sensor Node Development Kit Sensor Shield Sensor Signal Conditioner IC Smart Citizen Smart Citizen Kit Smoke Detector Soil Moisture Sensor Soil Sensor Mini Kit Sound Pressure Level Sound Sensor TDS Measurement System TDS Sensor Temperature Sensor Temperature, Pressure Sensor Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, Light, Colour Sensor Tilt Switch Triple Axis Accelerometer Sensor Ultrasonic Ultrasonic Sensor Ultrasound AFE Universal Programmable Sensor and Prototyping Platform UV Light Sensor UVA, UVB Light Sensor UVA/B Light Sensor Vibration Sensor Voltage Sensor Water Detect Water Flow Sensor Water flow, Temperature Sensor Water Pressure Sensor Water Quality Sensor Water Sensor Weight Sensor Wi-Fi Dev Board with Temperature & Humidity Sensor
Средство предназначено для оценки
- 1-Axis 12110215TC-5 2-Axis 2JCIE-BL01 3SP CO 1000, LMP91000 4525DO AD-013 AD5270-20, AD7790, AD8500, ADA4528-2, ADR3412 AD7124-8, AD8628, ADG836, AD8220, ADG884, ADG1608, AD5683R AD7793, ADuM5401, AD8603 ADIS1613x, ADIS1636x, ADIS1675, ADIS16407, ADIS1648x ADPD105 ADuCM355 ADXL345, LM75A, STM32F030, TSL2561 AFE4400, AFE4490 AFE4403 AFE4404 AFE5808A AFE5816 AFE5818 AH1806 Air Quality 4 AM2302 APB, HIH6000, HIH6100, HIH7000, HIH8000, HIH9000, MPR, HPM APDS-9301, CCS811, BME280 APDS-9960, BME280, CAP1296, CCS811, MAG3110, MMA8653FC AS3935 AS7026GG BALF-NRG-01D3, BLUENRG-MSQTR, LIS3MDL, LPS25HB, LSM6DS3, STC3115 BD1020HFV, BD7411G, BH1745NUC, BM1383GLV, BM1422GMV, KX022-1020, BD1020HFV, BD7411G, BH1749NUC, BH1790GLC, BM1383AGLV, BM1422AGMV BH1721FVC, BH1620FVC, BU52011HFV, BDE0600G, ML8511, KMX61 BH1790GLC BISS0001, NL11NH, RE200B BlueNRG-Tile - Bluetooth LE enabled sensor node BMA, BMC, BMG, BMI, BMP, BMM, BMX BMA280 BMA280, BMG160, BMM150, BMI160, BME280, AKU340, MAX44009 BMD101 BME280 BME280, CCS811 BME280, LTR-559, MICS6814 BME280, TCS3472 BME680 BMI055 BMI055, BMC150, BMM150, BMP280, MAX44000 BMI085 BMI088 BMI160 BMM150 BMP280 BMP280, BME680 BMP280, LSM303D, TCS3472 BMP280, TCS3472, LSM303D, ADS1015 BMP388 BMX055 BNO055 BNO080 C12880MA CCS811 CCS811, BME280 CCS811/BME280 CDM7160 COH-A2 CS-10 D7S DA14585 DFRobot Gravity DFRobot Sensors DHT11 DockerPi SensorHub DRV5055-Q1, HDC2010, OPT3001, TMP116 EC5, VH400 EMG Sensor ENS210 EPIC Sensors ESP32 ESP8266 ETA1617, NE555 FAN3850AUC16X, NLA323USG FDC2112 FIS1100 FS2012 FXLC95000CL gator:bit HDC1000, LDC1612, OPT3001, TMP007 HDC1000, OPT3001, TMP112 HDC2010 HDC2080 HM3301 HTS221, ISM330DLC, LPS22HB, MP34DT05-A HTS221, LIS3DH, LPS25H, MP34DT01 HTS221, LSM6DSL, LSM303AGR, LPS22HB HTU21D, MS5637, MS8607, TSYS01 HX711 IAM-20680 iAQ-Core ICG-1020S ICG-20330 ICG-20660L ICM-20600 ICM-20601 ICM-20602 ICM-20608-G ICM-20609 ICM-20648 ICM-20649 ICM-20689 ICM-20789 ICM-20948 ICM-42605 ICM20600, AK09918 ICM20948 ICS4342, BH1721FVC, MPL3115A2 ICS43432 INA114 INA180, INA181 IQS620 IQS620A IQS621 IQS624 IQS624, IQS625 IQS680 ISM330DLC ISZ-2510 ITG-1010 ITG-3200, ADXL345, HMC5883L ITG-3701 IXZ-2510 L3G4200D LDC0851 LDC1612 LDT0-028 LDT0-028K Leonardo, Mega R3, Uno LIS2HH12, LTR-329ALS-01, MPL3115A2, Si7006-A20 LISDW12, LISMDL, LPS22HB, LSM6DSL LLC200D3SH-LLPK1 LM324 LM386 LMP9100SD LMP91200 LOX-02 LPS22HB, LSM303AGR, LSM6DSM LPS25H LSM303AGR LSM303C LSM303D LSM303D, MS5611, L3GD20H LSM6DS0 LSM6DS0, LIS3MDL, HTS221, LPS25HB LSM6DS3 LSM6DSL LSM6DSL, LIS2MDL, LPS22HB, HTS221, MP34DT05-A, VL53L0X LSM9DS1 LSM9DS1, BMP280, Si7020-A10, TSL2572 LTC6078, ADuCM355 LTR-559ALS-01 MAG3110, MMA8653FC MagSense Inductive Sensing MAX21105 MAX30003 MAX30003, MAX30004, MAX30101, MAX30205 MAX30101 MAX30101, MAX32664 MAX30102 MAX30105 MAX30110 MAX86140 MAX86150 MAX86160 MAXM86161 MCP606 MCP607, MCP3201, MCP1541 MCP609, MAX6106 MCP9700T, Si7006-A20-IM1, LSM9DS1, MPL115A1 ME2-O2-20 MG-811 MH-Z16 MICS Gas Sensors MiCS-5524 MiCS-6814 MIKROE-2621 MLX81106/07/08/09/10/12/15/20 MLX92232, MLX92242 MMA8652FC, FXLS8471Q, MAG3110, FXAS21002C, MPL3115A2, FXOS8700CQ MP503 MPL115A2 MPL3115 MPL3115A2 MPU-6000 MPU-6050 MPU-6500 MPU-9150 MPU-9250 MPU-9250, BMP280 MPU6050 MPV-6050 MQ-3 MQ131 MQ2 MQ303A MQ6 MQ7 MS5607 MS5611, NCS36000, SI7021 MS5611, SI7021 MSP430FR2676 MTi-1, MTi-3 MTi-630 MTi-670 MTi-7 Murata Sensor Boards MVS0608.02 NE555DR, LMV358ID NJR4265RF2C1 OPT3001, TMP006 ORP P12347-01CT PAH8001EI-2G PGA308 PGA308, PGA309 PGA460 pH Probe PMS5003 PMS7003 PMW3901 PocketLab Voyager PPD42NS PS25101, PS25102 PS25201A PS25203 PS25401A PS25401B Raspberry Pi, Windows 10 IoT Core RB-441-45 RSL10 Solar Cell Multi-Sensor Platform SAP5 SCD30 SEN-08942, SEN-13322 SEN-13723 SF7072 SFH7050, AFE4404 SFM3000 SFM3xxx-AW, SFM3xxx-D SFM4100 SG33, SI01, SL01, SN01, SW01 SGAS701 SGAS707 SGAS711 SGP30 SGP30 and SHTC1 SGPC3 SGPC3, SHTC1 SGPxx, SHTxx SGX Gas Sensors SGX Infrared Gas Sensors SGX Metal Oxide Semiconductor SHT31 SHT35 SHTC1 SHTC3 SHTW2 SI Series Si1140 Si1146 Si1147-M01, Si7021 Si7013, Si1146 SIBA-JRAB SL01, SW01 SLF3S-1300F SM-PWM-01C SM-PWM-01C, T6713-6H, T9603-3-D-1 SOBA-KREB SPS1T001PCB, SPSDEVA1-W, SPSDEVR1-8 SPS1T001PET SPS30 SPSxM001, SPSxT001, SPSxTM01 STLM20, TGS5141 STM32L476, LSM6DSM, LSM303AGR, LPS22HB, MP34DT04, BlueNRG-MS, BA SVM30 SW-420 TDS-GP30 TGS8100 TH02 TLE4922 TPiS 1S 1385 URM07 URM09 VCN36687S VCNL4000 VCNL4020 VCNL4020C VCNL4035X01 VCNL4040 VCNL4200 VEML6030 VEML6040 VEML6070 VEML6075 VEML6095 VL53L0x, PMW3901 VL6180X VYYR2401 WSP2110 X100-7 YG1006 ZE08 ZMOD4410 ZMOD4450 ZSC31xxx, XSSC3xxx ZSC3xxxx, ZSSC3xxx ZWIR4512
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- 0 V to 5 V 0.0245 V to 25 V 0.5 V to 5 V 1 V to 3.6 V, 12 V 1.62 V to 3.6 V 1.65 V to 3.6 V 1.7 V to 2 V 1.7 V to 3.6 V 1.71 V to 3.45 V 1.71 V to 3.46 V 1.71 V to 3.6 V 1.8 V 1.8 V to 3.3 V 1.8 V to 3.63 V 1.8 V to 5.5 V 1.8 V, 3 V, 5 V 1.8 V, 3.3 V 1.8 V, 3.3 V, 5 V 1.8 V, 4.5 V 1.9 V to 3.6 V 1.95 V to 3.6 V 12 V 15 V 18 V to 32 V 2 V to 3.3 V 2 V to 3.6 V 2 V to 5.5 V 2.2 V to 3.6 V 2.4 V to 3.6 V 2.4 V to 5.5 V 2.5 V to 3.6 V 2.6 V to 6.5 V 2.7 V to 5.5 V 2.8 V, 3.3 V 2.9 V to 5.7 V 3 V 3 V to 5 V 3 V to 5.5 V 3 V to 9 V 3 V/5 V 3.1 V to 5.25 V 3.2 V to 6 V 3.3 V 3.3 V to 3.6 V 3.3 V to 5 V 3.3 V to 5.5 V 3.3 V to 6 V 3.3 V to 6.5 V 3.3 V, 5 V 3.3 V/5 V 3.5 V 3.5 V to 16 V 3.6 V 3.7 V 4 V to 8 V 4.1 V 4.5 V to 15.4 V 4.5 V to 5.5 V 4.75 V to 5 V 4.75 V to 5.25 V 4.85 V to 5.15 V 4.9 V to 5 V 5 V 5 V to 15 V 5 V, 48 V 5.7 V to 9 V 6 V 7 V to 12 V 7 V to 15 V 8 V to 16 V 9 V 90 VAC to 264 VAC
Blister Card Bulk Cut Tape, MouseReel, Reel Reel Tray